Spring Equinox Celebration
Join Julie Jenowe, Sheri Noordam and Ilona Holland at the Harvester Artist Lofts in Council Bluffs on Saturday March 16th from 6:30pm till 9:00pm.
We welcome the Spring Season with Equinox a celebration of equal energies marking the onset of spring. During the equinox, the sun crosses the plane of Earth’s equator, making nighttime and daytime (roughly) equal length all over the world.
We celebrate equality, balance our energies to make way for the season of planting our intentions and taking actions towards them.
Arrive in comfy clothing to kickstart the evening with cleansing our energies through standing breathwork practices preparing us for a Qi Gong flow to balance our frequencies. Our segue into ecstatic dance and transformational breathwork will release any remaining stagnant and blocked energies to settle us in for a sound bath healing meditation.
Stay for tea, snacks and more dance and flow. Feel free to bring a snack to share.
Register by no later than March 13th.
$30 p.p. donation via Venmo @LifeDimensionsCB to reserve your spot. Tickets are transferable but non refundable.